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An accurate diagnosis is essential for treating foot and ankle problems. At Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center in McKinney, Texas, foot and ankle specialist Benjamin Clair, DPM, offers on-site X-rays so he can diagnose your condition and provide the most effective treatment from the start. He also does weight-bearing X-rays to diagnose the severity of foot deformities. Call today or schedule an appointment online.

X-Ray Services offered in McKinney, TX

How does an X-ray work?

An X-ray is a type of imaging test that uses low-level electromagnetic radiation to create images of your internal body parts. The images are in varying shades of white and gray or black.

The color of the X-ray is based on how much of the radiation energy the tissue absorbs. Bones appear white on X-rays because they absorb the most energy, while the air in your lungs shows up black because it doesn’t absorb any. Other body tissues, tumors, and masses may appear as shades of gray.

X-rays are safe, quick, and convenient. You’re exposed to only a minimal amount of radiation, and you wear a lead apron to cover sensitive parts of the body, like the reproductive organs.

When do I need an X-ray?

Dr. Clair determines when you need an X-ray. He uses the imaging tool to accurately diagnose foot and ankle conditions. 

He is a skilled and experienced board-certified foot and ankle surgeon who considers it essential that he properly diagnose his patients’ foot problems so he can create the most effective treatment plan. 

You may need an X-ray if you have foot or ankle pain or Dr. Clair wants to confirm or rule out a diagnosis such as a fracture or foot deformity. He also performs weight-bearing X-rays to accurately diagnose the severity of bunions.

What happens when getting an X-ray?

X-rays at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center are done on-site. The technician positions the X-ray camera over your foot and ankle to get the image Dr. Clair needs. You must remain still during an X-ray to get a clear picture.

X-rays take only a few minutes, but Dr. Clair may request several images to get a complete look at the structure of your foot and ankle.

What can I expect after an X-ray?

Dr. Clair uses the images he gets from your X-ray to diagnose your foot or ankle condition. He talks to you about the results and your treatment options. 

The foot and ankle specialist has advanced training in nonsurgical and surgical treatments for all types of foot and ankle conditions. Taking a patient-centered approach, he works with you when creating a plan so he can fix your condition, ease your pain, and improve your quality of life.

Call Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center today or book an appointment online.