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Ankle Sprain

Ankle Sprain

An ankle sprain is a common injury that affects people of all ages, but it’s especially common in active individuals. At Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center in McKinney, Texas, foot and ankle specialist Benjamin Clair, DPM, provides cutting-edge, science-backed treatments for ankle sprains, helping patients get back in the game. Call today or schedule an appointment online. 

Ankle Sprain Services offered in McKinney, TX

What should I know about an ankle sprain?

An ankle sprain is an injury that occurs when you overstretch the ligaments that connect the bones in the ankle joint. 

Your ankle is a complex weight-bearing joint. The ligaments in the ankle help with stability of the joint and movement. Your ligaments are strong and flexible, but they can tear when stretched beyond capacity. 

When you have an ankle sprain, Dr. Clair grades the sprain based on severity, such as:

Grade 1

A grade 1 ankle sprain is a mild injury. Your ligament is slightly stretched due to microscopic tears. 

Grade 2

A grade 2 ankle sprain is more severe. With this injury, you have a tear in the ligament that affects joint stability.

Grade 3

A grade 3 ankle sprain means you have a complete tear of the ligament. 

I twisted my ankle. When should I seek medical care for an ankle sprain?

If you twisted your ankle and suspect you have an ankle sprain, you need to schedule a consultation at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center right away. Early diagnosis and treatment of an ankle injury may prevent further damage or chronic ankle instability.

Signs and symptoms of a sprained ankle include:

  • Ankle pain and swelling
  • Bruising
  • Inability to bear weight on the ankle
  • Joint stiffness

An ankle fracture may cause similar symptoms, and it’s possible to have an ankle sprain and fracture at the same time. 

What can I expect during an evaluation for an ankle sprain?

You can expect a patient-centered exam from Dr. Clair at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center. He asks detailed questions about your symptoms and how the injury occurred. He reviews your medical history and daily activities.

Dr. Clair examines your ankle and orders X-rays to confirm or rule out a fracture and determine the severity of your sprain. 

What treatments can improve my ankle sprain?

At Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center, Dr. Clair offers cutting-edge, science-backed treatments for ankle sprains to speed up recovery so you can get back to your active lifestyle.

Treatment for your ankle sprain may include:

  • Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE protocol)
  • Immobility
  • Activity modification
  • Ankle exercises
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection

If you have a severe ankle sprain, you may need surgery to repair the ligaments. Dr. Clair is an experienced foot and ankle surgeon who uses the latest in surgical techniques so you get the best outcomes.

For expert ankle sprain care, call Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center today or click the online booking button.