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Pain in the ball of your foot, called metatarsalgia, may occur from any number of causes. Foot and ankle specialist Benjamin Clair, DPM, of Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center in McKinney, Texas, is an expert at diagnosing and treating metatarsalgia, creating plans that relieve your pain so you can get back to your active lifestyle. Call today or schedule an appointment online to learn what’s causing your foot pain. 

Metatarsalgia Services offered in McKinney, TX

What is metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is the medical term for pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot, which is the area on the bottom of your foot between your toes and arch. The pain usually centers on the bones at the base of the toes — the metatarsals.

If you have pain in the ball of your foot, schedule a consultation with Dr. Clair at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center.

Did my running cause metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is common in runners because of the stress placed on the ball of the foot during the exercise. However, you can develop pain in the ball of your foot from any number of causes, including:


Bunions are a foot deformity that affects the joint at the base of your big toe. The change in the foot structure from a bunion puts extra stress on the metatarsals of the other toes, causing metatarsalgia.


The abnormal bend that occurs with hammertoe may push the metatarsal bone toward the ball of the foot, causing pain and inflammation.

Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a thickening around the nerve between the third and fourth toe on the bottom of the foot. The thickening pinches the nerve, causing a burning sensation.

Joint capsule tears

Joint capsules cover the bones of a joint to support comfort and movement. Joint capsule tears in the foot can also cause metatarsalgia.

When should I see a foot and ankle specialist for metatarsalgia?

You should make an appointment with Dr. Clair at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center if you have pain in the ball of your foot that fails to improve within a few days of at-home care, or if the pain is severe. 

Dr. Clair reviews your symptoms, when they started, and the activities that make them worse. He examines your feet and may request X-rays to confirm or rule out the cause of your metatarsalgia.

What are the treatments for metatarsalgia?

Treatment for metatarsalgia depends on the cause. Dr. Clair talks to you about his findings following your exam and makes treatment recommendations that give you the best outcomes.

He may recommend a change in footwear or using shoe inserts (metatarsal pad) to reduce stress on the ball of the foot. If conservative measures fail to reduce your pain, Dr. Clair may suggest surgery to address the underlying cause of your foot pain.

Call Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center today or book an appointment online to get help with your metatarsalgia.