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Treatment for foot and ankle fractures has advanced significantly over the past several years. Foot and ankle specialist Benjamin Clair, DPM, at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center in McKinney, Texas, has training in the latest in fracture care so you get the best possible outcomes, including nonsurgical treatments. You have more than 28 bones in the foot and ankle, so specialized care for fractures is needed. Call the office today or schedule a consultation for your fracture using the online booking button. 

Fracture Services offered in McKinney, TX

What types of fractures affect the foot and ankle?

Many types of fractures impact the foot and ankle.

The foot and ankle are complex body parts made up of more than 28 bones. Though these bones are strong and have the ability to withstand a great deal of stress, they break when they’re pushed beyond their limits.

Types of foot and ankle fractures include:

Ankle joint fractures

The ankle joint is made up of three bones. An ankle fracture may affect any one of these bones. These types of fractures vary in severity, which determines treatment.

Sesamoid bone fractures

Sesamoid bones are the small, round bones located at the bottom of the big toe. Excess pressure from running or jumping on the ball of the foot may cause fractures in these bones. 

Toe fractures

Toe fractures are common and may occur if you drop something on your foot or kick something that’s too hard. 

Stress fractures

Stress fractures are overuse injuries that usually affect the metatarsal bones in your midfoot.

Most foot and ankle fractures cause pain and affect mobility. The degree of your pain may depend on the severity of your break. 

If you suspect you have a foot or ankle fracture, schedule an appointment at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center so you get an accurate diagnosis and specialized treatment plan. Dr. Clair can identify and expeditiously care for your fracture. 

What are nonsurgical treatments for fractures?

Many foot and ankle fractures respond well to nonsurgical interventions. Dr. Clair customizes your treatment plan based on the location and type of fracture you have. Toe fractures, stress fractures, and some ankle fractures heal without surgery.

Immobilization is the primary treatment for fractures. With a foot or ankle fracture, Dr. Clair can immobilize the body part with a cast, walking boot, or time off.

When do I need surgery for fractures?

You may need surgery for your foot or ankle fracture if the break is complex, meaning the bones are out of alignment or piercing the skin. All displaced and unstable fractures need the care of an experienced foot and ankle surgeon. 

When performing surgery for fractures, Dr. Clair uses minimally invasive techniques and site-specific plating options. 

After surgery, Dr. Clair puts your foot or ankle in a cast or boot for immobilization.

Call Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center today or book an appointment online.