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Bone Marrow Concentrate Injections

Bone Marrow Concentrate Injections

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) is an innovative treatment that uses your body’s natural healing powers to reduce inflammation and pain and restore function. Foot and ankle specialist Benjamin Clair, DPM, offers BMAC at Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center in McKinney, Texas, to treat foot and ankle conditions. Call the office today or click the online booking button to schedule a consultation and learn more about BMAC.

Bone Marrow Concentrate Injections Services offered in McKinney, TX

What is BMAC exactly?

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) is a type of regenerative medicine that uses the healing elements in your bone marrow to support the body’s repair process. 

Your bone marrow is a soft, fatty tissue in the center of your bones. Its primary job is to make new blood cells and platelets. 

Your bone marrow also contains mesenchymal stem cells, growth factors, and proteins that your body uses to make new specialized cells (bone cells, cartilage cells, and nerve cells) to repair damaged tissue.

BMAC is made from your own bone marrow and processed in a way so it contains a high concentration of the healing properties. 

Can BMAC help my ankle arthritis?

Dr. Clair may recommend BMAC if you have chronic ankle arthritis, and medical interventions like pain medications and physical therapy fail to provide significant relief from your discomfort. 

The board-certified foot and ankle surgeon may suggest BMAC to support healing of many other foot and ankle conditions, such as:

  • Tendinitis
  • Tendon tears
  • Ligament tears
  • Ankle sprain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Sports injuries

Many chronic foot and ankle conditions may fail to heal because of a lack of blood supply to the area. BMAC delivers the healing elements directly to the damaged tissue, supporting the body’s natural process. 

What happens during BMAC treatment?

Dr. Clair customizes your BMAC treatment plan and reviews the details at your consultation. 

First, he obtains the bone marrow and processes it to remove impurities. After cleaning the site of your treatment with an antiseptic agent, he administers a local anesthetic to numb the area. Then, using X-ray-guided imaging, Dr. Clair injects the BMAC directly into your injured tissue.

After your injection, you remain at the office for a set period of time, and then Dr. Clair sends you home.

What happens after BMAC treatment?

Dr. Clair gives you specific at-home care instructions following your BMAC treatment. You may have soreness at the site of the injection for a couple of days. 

Dr. Clair may recommend physical therapy after BMAC to support the recovery process. Though results vary, many people experience improvements in pain and function in 6-8 weeks.

Call Sports City USA Foot & Ankle Center today or book an appointment online to learn more about BMAC and how it can benefit your foot or ankle condition.